Yoga Pilates Mix – What is it?

Yoga Pilates Mix – What is it?

// January 30, 2025

Yoga and Pilates are frequently combined in mind and body movement classes. Perhaps for this reason, it is often thought that the two practices are more or less the same. They are actually quite distinct from one another, nevertheless, they hold certain elements in common which, when melded, build ability in both systems.

The spine lies at the centre of any whole-body movement. When it is mobile and fully supported by the core musculature, quality of movement is enhanced. Pilates exercises and Yoga positions both work with this understanding, however, their approaches are different.

At the physical heart of every Yoga position is the spine. The positions that the spine adopts in Yoga are often highly complex and the spine needs to be well supported for safe execution. Pilates focuses on training core strength when the spine is aligned. Adopting the neutral spine position makes it easier to find and engage core muscles across the upper, mid and lower back regions. Once systematically stimulated by Pilates, the core is prepared for the challenges of Yoga moves.

Activating the precision and control which make Pilates a highly efficient movement method requires concentration. Breathwork is integral to this work. Pilates uses a specific pattern, known as lateral breathing, which can be challenging to get used to. Yoga positions automatically direct and energise the breath during practice, afterwards the muscles of respiration connect more readily with the structured breathwork of Pilates.

Pilates is fundamentally a system of physical training and there is nothing like it for the body. Whereas, Yoga is primarily about the mind. The complexity of Yoga positions is intended to keep the mind focused within the body, as a means of developing concentration. Yoga teaches the body and mind how to integrate through movement. A skill which when applied to Pilates is transformative, lifting it into another league.


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