Working zones in the workplace

Working zones in the workplace

// January 26, 2023

At our desks, at work, we often do not realize there is an efficient way to set up our belongings. This setup is ideal to increase our productivity and it really works. There are three work zones, namely primary tertiary , and secondary zones.  


The ‘Primary Zone’ is the zone closest to you whilst being seated at your desk. This zone includes everything from your torso to your wrist of an outstretched arm. This zone includes everything which you use very frequently such as your keyboard. It is important to keep your most frequently used items in this zone because by having them close you do not place even the slightest stress on your body by constantly reaching for them is they were further away perhaps.  


The ‘Secondary Zone’ is from your wrist of an outstretched arm to the end of your hand. In this zone, there may be items that you use less frequently as the primary zone such as your monitor and your mouse for example. These items are a little further away than the primary zone items because they are used less.  


Finally, is the ‘Tertiary Zone’ which contains items seldom used for example picture frames or pens and pencils. These items are kept in this zone because they are very seldom used and therefore you do not have to repeatedly extend to collect and use these items which over time would lead to discomfort for example.  


By ensuring your items on your desk are set up in these zones you decrease the risk of occurring any injury, for example by keeping some of your most used items far away from you, you are likely to incur an RSI, repetitive strain injury.  


These are just a few tips to help you improve your office ergonomics. For more handy tips like these  please feel free to ask us or alternatively keep an eye on our website where we will share many more similar tips to help you.  


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