The Foam Roller: A Very Versatile Kit

The Foam Roller: A Very Versatile Kit

// July 30, 2024

Many people own a foam roller, with almost as many not knowing what to do with it. Physiotherapists recommend rolling on foam rollers to release tight muscles. Unfortunately, their patients frequently find this activity all but unbearable, particularly if they have invested in the ‘more efficient’ type of textured roller.

Despite difficulties, people tend to hold onto their foam roller, in the belief that if only they could get the knack of using it, it would have a lot to offer. This is absolutely the case. The foam roller is a very versatile piece of equipment. Compact and lightweight, it is highly manoeuvrable and can be used in a multiplicity of ways beyond simply rolling on it.

One of the most accessible activities that can be carried out with a foam roller is spinal mobility. Rolling and extending the spine using the foam roller can add both a range of movement and core strengthening. By placing the hands on the foam roller in the all-fours position, the stretch for the spine and back muscles is emphasised. Alternatively, placing the feet on the foam roller for shoulder bridge enables the lower spine to lengthen more freely and augments core and gluteal work. Seated side bending is wonderfully enhanced with a hand placed on a foam roller positioned on the floor to the side of the body. This enables a flowing gliding action not otherwise experienced.

Diversifying your use of a foam roller will reap rewards, not the least of which is the relaxing and enjoyable element that it brings to everyday Pilates and fitness movements. There are two foam rollers available for use in The Gym. Why not ask about different ways of using this highly versatile piece of kit when you are in next time?


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