The paleo diet


Do you think this is the latest fashion diet? It is not so.  The paleolithic diet, also called paleodieta or cave diet, is the name given to a contemporary human diet that would like to propose a hypothetical type of diet that would have characterized the human populations that lived in the period preceding the […]

The Mediterranean diet, from history to the present day


The famous physiologist from Colorado Springs was a consultant to the American War Department in the Second World War. During this time, he was fascinated by the data on the low incidence of cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases recorded in particular in Southern Italy and Greece.  Ancel realized that the local population was much older than […]

The importance of core


Have you ever heard of core training? It is a training technique that involves exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the abdominal, lumbar and pelvis area.   The core integrates the development of strength with muscular endurance and also helps the body to react better to external stimuli. We talk about core stability exercises […]

What is the shin-splint?


Medial tibial stress syndrome is one of the overload pathologies of the lower limb which, as the name implies, affects the tibia. Like all overuse pathologies, it occurs in subjects who perform repetitive gestures, represented in this case by the continuous impacts of the lower limb with the terrain typical of running or those who […]

The importance of programming in training


TRAIN SMART. How many times, in the gym, do we meet people who have been training for a long time, perhaps with 10 years of weights behind them who have not achieved the desired results. This is one of the factors that discourages many. How is it possible that you train for years, perhaps with […]

How being overweight impacts our osteoarticular system


Overweight is a condition characterized by an excessive accumulation of body fat, generally due to bad nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. Nutrition and physical activity are behaviors strongly influenced by social, economic and cultural conditions.   Obesity and overweight are associated with premature death and now universally recognized as risk factors for the main chronic […]

Mind: Pros And Cons Of Having A Daily Routine


Developing a daily routine can help us to feel more in control of everything, and help us to make room for all that’s important. Routine can improve our mental health. It can help us to cope with change, to form healthy habits, and to reduce our stress levels.   Routine can be an anchor. No matter what’s going […]

How many hours a week should we train for a healthy living?


We set aside 2 ½ hours of our time per week for physical activity. Not just sport, but physical activity in general, says the World Health Organization (WHO), or any movement that involves the musculoskeletal system and makes us consume energy. Physical exercise and other activities such as playing, walking, cleaning, gardening and dancing are […]

Is eating late bad for you?


The reason eating late is supposed to make you fat is related to insulin secretion. In fact, every time we ingest something, the blood sugar level rises and insulin is released, which can promote the formation of fat deposits during sleep. So far, however, this hypothesis has not been scientifically proven.   However, you may […]