Fleet of Foot

Fleet of Foot

// February 27, 2025

Agility – Stability – Propulsion – Power – When it comes to training for these aspects of fitness, most people do not think of foot and ankle strength, yet it could be the vital element a programme needs.

Two types of muscle function at the foot: the foot extrinsic and the foot intrinsic muscles. Different training is needed for both types.

The extrinsic foot muscles originate in the lower leg, course over the ankle and insert in the foot. These muscles are responsible for propulsion and power during walking, running and jumping. They are also crucial for the ankle stability needed in directional movement.

The foot intrinsic muscles both originate and insert within the foot. They are small strong muscles, which form deep layers of support between the metatarsal bones of the foot. Sometimes called the foot core muscles, the intrinsic muscles maintain foot structure and assist with impact absorption. They support joint health not only in the feet, but also in the hips, knees and lower back.

Weakness in the foot intrinsic muscles can cause the foot extrinsic muscles to overwork, causing inflammation at the ankle and along the shinbone; a sensation sometimes mistaken for shin splints. Foot Doming, which centres the foot’s core strength, is one of the best exercises for the foot intrinsic muscles. Good technique involves keeping the work in the foot, and not allowing it to creep into the ankle joint.

Ankle rises are excellent for training the foot extrinsic muscles. Good technique is crucial for effective strengthening and to avoid weakening the ankle joint. Key points involve maintaining the big toe joint in contact with the floor and not locking the ankle at the top of the movement.

Beyond the basics, the Pilates Foot Series provides a great foot workout and Kesh Patel in ‘The Complete Guide to Postural Training’ offers an all-around easy-to-follow guide to foot strengthening.


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